[SPARCbook] have 3gx mem simms - TP3316G 15858-1

Ken Hansen sparcbook at sunhelp.org
Thu Dec 14 06:47:57 CST 2000

I suspect they are 16 meg x 33 bit SIMMs, which *could* mean they comprise
the 128 Meg memory option for th e3G_ family of SPARCbooks. (4 bytes wide x
16 Million = 64 Meg *per SIMM*, two of them would yield 128 Meg).

If so, you are very lucky.


----- Original Message -----
From: chris
To: sparcbook at sunhelp.org
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 2:03 AM
Subject: [SPARCbook] have 3gx mem simms - TP3316G 15858-1

Have two of these simms.  What are they?


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