[SPARCbook] Does Solaris 8 work on a 3GX?

Eric Isakson eisakson at onebox.com
Fri Apr 28 22:25:17 CDT 2000

Hi All,

I have a 3GX that's been a paperweight in my office for over a year (I
don't have the OS and didn't feel like shelling out any money at the
time). A friend of mine noticed it recently and told me about Solaris
8 being free, so I thought I'd ask if anyone has tried it out with any

Baring that, does anyone know how I can get 2.6 may98 media (I have an
external CD drive)? I looked at SunStore and it wasn't listed :(

My friend that noticed the machine was interesting in buying it. I saw
prices around $600-800 does that sound about right?

Thanks for any input,
Eric Isakson
eisakson at onebox.com - email
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