[rescue] Need VME memory boards

Earl Baugh earl at baugh.org
Wed Mar 27 20:11:25 CDT 2019

In reference to what Sandwich Maker and Robert Toegel replied:

I appreciate the opportunities to "hack" a solution... However, adding an
outlet to a 3 story house
just to test this out (when the entire house is finished... no open
basement, etc). isn't the cheapest thing to do...
(and adding a 230 line isn't something I'd feel comfortable doing myself...
esp since the house is already
running on a dual fuse box set up...)

And, I have no idea whether or not the power supply even works...

Instead of spending a couple hundred on that, I'd rather spend the money
buying a replacement or swapping with someone who could use the existing one
(assuming it works... I can repair a power supply, component wise, I'm just
not an EE
to know how one would re-do the circuit (if it's possible) to convert it...)

I'm going to put out feelers on cctalk as well... but to date, I've not
found other
early Sun users there who weren't already here...


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