[rescue] Memory upgrade in Dell PowerEdge 2560

Chad Fernandez chad.fernandez at att.net
Tue May 26 18:48:48 CDT 2015

Well, I upgraded to the A21 bios successfully, after battling with a 
marginal floppy drive or marginal disks, on an old XP machine, at work.  
It did nothing for my problem that I can tell.  However, I have made 
progress.  I decided to test each memory stick individually.  I found 
two of the eight will be recognized, and and only one of those two will 
work in the first memory slot.  If I keep both in the computer, that 
second stick seems to generate an error on the panel, even though it's 
recognized by the bios and Centos.  I removed it.

So after purchasing 16gb of memory, I have 2gb working.  Fantastic, I 
can't wait to deal with the seller on this.

This memory is used, and purchased cheaply.  On one hand I understand 
that testing memory would be  a hassle and possibly not any kind of 
guarantee to only pass good memory.  On the other hand, I still need to 
have good memory show up at my door whatever the price happens to be.  I 
have a feeling the seller is going to want me to ship the memory back at 
my cost before he will ship another batch of working memory (or possibly 
not working), making me his QC at my cost.


Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA

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