[rescue] VCF Midwest Announcement

Jason T silent700 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 23:06:38 CDT 2015

For the handful of you who are not on one of the other lists I've been
spamming, I'd like to announce that the 10th incarnation of the
Vintage Computer Festival Midwest will happen this year on the last
weekend in August, the 29th and 30th in suburban Chicago, Illinois.
We have a new, larger location this year with much easier access,
better facilities and the same friendly "run what you brung" spirit.

For you 8-bit fans, we will share our venue once again with the
Emergency Chicagoland Commodore Convention, North America's
longest-running Commodore show.

More information, including a link for the special hotel group-rate,
is available at http://vcfmw.org

Sun displays are welcome (no promises, but I hope to exhibit my Sun-1
this year.)  Hope to see you all there!


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