[rescue] In Realtime: Saving 25, 000 Manuals ??? August 15, 2015

Phil Stracchino phils at caerllewys.net
Fri Aug 21 08:13:49 CDT 2015

On 08/21/15 00:21, Bob Darlington wrote:
> This pleases me greatly.  Sure, I'm a computer nerd, but I also am into
> electronics and instrumentation, and in particular old test equipment such
> as Tektronix oscilloscopes, plugin systems, and the like.  This is amazing
> and I'm very thankful to everyone who was able to help and rescue the
> manuals.  I know as the dust settles the long task of dealing with what was
> saved is going to start.  I'll continue to follow what Jason is up to, but
> please let me know where money is needed, if I can help in any way, etc.
> There are multiple communities that rely on scanned Tek and HP manuals such
> as the time-nuts that I've been involved with for many years now.  There is
> plenty of discussion on that list too about this and they have expressed
> gratitude as well.


That sounds suspiciously like a group of people who might be able to
advise or assist on using a USB GPS receiver as a stratum 0 time source.
 (I know of exactly one directly-USB-connected GPS receiver that emits a
PPS signal.  Unfortunately it's all but unobtainium in quantities of
less than a hundred at a time.)

I tried it once using a MS DeLorme GPS receiver that used a USB-serial
adapter chip, and it worked beautifully with no detectable jitter except
that once loaded and started, the driver for its USB-serial chip could
never be stopped or unloaded even if I physically unplugged the
receiver, which made clean reboots impossible.

  Phil Stracchino
  Babylon Communications
  phils at caerllewys.net
  phil at co.ordinate.org
  Landline: 603.293.8485

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