[rescue] Fwd: Re: Might rescue a B1600 w/ B100s blades: licensing issues?

dillwyn at room53studios.com dillwyn at room53studios.com
Sat Jul 5 23:08:13 CDT 2014

I'm very glad to hear that there is a way to bypass a password on
the switch module. Second thing I plan to check when I have access
to it, sometime next week. (The first being my usual flashlight
inspection for screws, paperclips, or staples in back/midplane
connectors. That lesson, once learned the hard way, is not quickly
forgotten, nor is the ozone and melting plastic smell it leaves

> Hi
> There are no licensing issues and yes you use standard Network boot for
> the SPARC blades and PXE for the x86. The disks are standard laptop ones
> (ide).
> The only issue most folk find is if the switch has had a password set.
> Resetting is non trivial and not documented. If this is set, get back to
> me as I managed to obtain the work around to reset it.
> Best of luck with it, if you need any help get back to me as I have
> setup/tested a few of these and still have one on the shelf.
> Peter
> On Fri, 4 Jul 2014 19:48:58 -0700, dillwyn at room53studios.com wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Thinking about adding a Sunfire B1600 chassis with a handful
>> of B100s blades to my collection of old Sun gear.
>> I have a dim recollection of management licensing issues on
>> used blade servers, though not necessarily Sun's. Is there
>> anything like that I need to worry about?
>> I'm not talking about whatever Oracle calls things like the
>> descendants of the Solstice products, just something which
>> might interfere with getting it up and running if I have to
>> do a factory reset type of thing. (Assuming such a reset is
>> possible, if I encounter a password prompt when I connect
>> a terminal.)
>> BTW, all the hard drives have been pulled from the blades.
>> Any risk the replacements will need special firmware, or a
>> weird, proprietary bootloader written to the first few
>> sectors, etc? Years ago, I got burned on a Dell-branded
>> Clariion filer with a couple of dead FLARE drives, and I
>> don't really want to deal with problems like that again.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> adk
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