[rescue] shipping large, heavy things

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Mon May 13 20:47:30 CDT 2013

On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 08:40:12AM -0400, Barry Callahan wrote:
>Also, if either the source or the destination address does NOT have a 
>truckwell, they're going to have to ensure that they dispatch a 
>"liftgate-equipped" truck to get it in/out, and that's going to add 
>to your costs, too. Trucking company's going to want to know that 
>before they quote.

I acquired a VAX 6000 years ago when I lived in Austin, and didn't
expect to get a phone call from my wife at work a few days later.

"Why's there a semi trailer offloading a huge thing in our driveway?"
"Remember that system I told you about?"  
"You said it was the size of a fridge"  
"I was thinking dorm fridge.. now the neighbors are in lawn chairs 
across the street looking at us funny..."  :)


Bill Bradford
Houston, Texas USA

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