[rescue] Free: O'Reilly XML book and XML pocket guide, plus Apache pocket guide

Rich Kulawiec rsk at gsp.org
Thu Apr 5 07:50:16 CDT 2012

The book: "Learning XML", by Erik T. Ray
The pocket guide: "XML Pocket Reference" by Robert Eckstein

These are the first editions, not the most recent ones.  But if there's
anybody out there who's new to XML and needs to come up to speed on the
basics, they're most certainly good enough to get you started.  The book
is in very good condition, the pocket guide in good condition (the covers
show evidence of an unfortunate incident involving a coffee cup, but the
interior pages are fine).

Also: I've got an O'Reilly pocket guide to Apache (covers 1.3.12) if
anybody can use that.  It has thus far eluded any encounters with coffee.


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