[rescue] KVM-over-ip

Justin Haynes justin at justinhaynes.com
Tue Jun 14 15:51:16 CDT 2011

*locally attached to the machine, but with the display far away in the same
room you are in..

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 3:50 PM, Justin Haynes <justin at justinhaynes.com>wrote:

> There is a program whose name I have forgotten, which runs under *NIX,
> Windows and MacOS which allows you to connect as many systems as you want
>> in a row and as you move your mouse the focus and keyboard slide to the
>> one
>> you want.
>> http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/
>> They are connected to one system and become virtually connected to each
>> system as you point to it.
> This solves the problem of using one keyboard and mouse with several
> *consoles*, but not the problem of using a remote machine with the display
> exported.
> BTW, if you plan to use a Mac as your X server and have clients on remote
>> systems, you need to use Xvnc on the clients, and a VNC server on the Mac.
>> There has been for many years a conflict between MacOS's X server and
>> GNOME, and the latest security release for MacOS's X server removed TCP
>> support.
>> You can fake it with ssh tunneling, but that adds a lot of overhead.
> I wonder though, if:
> 1. you can tolerate 16bpp
> 2. you have a fast N network that isn't being used too heavily
> 3. computing power is adequate to run compression quickly*
> 4. *latency isn't a *huge* issue.  (if your 3d gaming, then maybe not. :-)
> )  Then you can run the msot extreme compression
> It might be *bearable* to export the session or use something like
> TightVNC.
> I realize this wasn't really the question..  I'm just wondering if you can
> get around the limitations by speeding up the network.
> ah, but maybe Geoffrey's point was to have the cable hidden and going into
> the next room, and then you control that remote machine remotely with the
> display locally attacheed but in the same room..  (Sorry Geoffrey if that's
> what you meant, I was just catching up. :-)  )
> And I've found that synergy works just fine.
> -Justin

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