[rescue] Happy New Year! RIP, Sun/Solaris...

James C james at frantech.ca
Thu Jan 6 17:49:47 CST 2011

On 01/06/2011 12:48 PM, Joshua Boyd wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 06, 2011 at 03:26:07PM -0500, Phil Stracchino wrote:
>> On 01/06/11 14:56, James C wrote:
>>> lsof is also your friend trying to find who's using /dev/audio. Also
>>> check /dev/dsp. A fair few modern systems don't have either, as they're
>>> OSS and most are moving on from ALSA to PulseAudio already.
>> Uuuhhh ...   but PulseAudio is a layer on top of ALSA.  (A layer which
>> is being deprecated, I might add, at least in Gentoo, because it's a crock.)
> I don't think that PulseAudio is deprecated in Ubuntu.  Anyone know for
> Fedora/RH?
> PulseAudio has been (and still is) rough, especially when dealing with
> pro and semi-pro interfaces or multiple interfaces.  However, I think
> that something is needed, and PulseAudio seems more capable than what
> came before it (esd, arts, etc).
> My personal problems that involve PulseAudio are:
> - For some reason Input/Output configuration for a bunch of devices was
>    dropped (alsa say all inputs/outputs were present, and jack could use
>    them, but port audio wouldn't).  Solution, drop one or more files in a
>    directory and restart pulse audio.  Actually, my solution was to sell
>    that PCI card and get a USB interface[0].
> - Sometimes gets "stuck".  I only see this on one machine with a rather
>    old PCI sound card ( C-Media CM8738 chipset ).  I blame pulseaudio
>    because restarting just it corrects the issue.  The most common
>    trigger is flash, but nautilus and mplayer can also trigger it.  When
>    I used 32bit linux, there was no issue, and when I use a different
>    sound device there is no issue.
> [0]  Of course, it just disappears from time to time, but that doesn't
> appear to be pulse audios fault at all.
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Pulseaudio is terrible. I've got a laptop running Fedora 14, and the 
first thing I did after installing was rip Pulseaudio out. Flash audio 
just sounds garbled, and mplayer fails to even work half the time with 
Pulseaudio. But enough ranting about that :p

James C.<james[at]frantech.ca>
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