[rescue] Happy New Year! RIP, Sun/Solaris...

gsm at mendelson.com gsm at mendelson.com
Thu Jan 6 03:22:32 CST 2011

On Thu, Jan 06, 2011 at 10:47:00AM +0200, Jonathan Groll wrote:
>Basically a hard drive dock, but importantly it came with an eSATA
>cable (and was really cheap!). It also does USB. Then all that is
>required is a backplate that goes into the desktop case and plugs into
>one of the internal SATA ports, and the OS sees the disk as another
>internal drive. Of course leaving a pile of naked hard disks on your
>desk can lead to all sorts of fun accidents involving coffee.

In my case it's an unnecessary expense. Because the big companies Office
Depot (similar to the US one), BUG (a computer store that sells commodity
computers, iPods, blank DVDs, etc) and Kravitz (an office supply company
that sells mostly consumables, media players, printers, etc) have dueling
sales on external USB drives, it's not worth buying a bare drive.

Bare drives come from computer stores, and there are no big ones like Fry's,
or mail order places. 


Geoffrey S. Mendelson N3OWJ/4X1GM
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to misquote it.

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