[rescue] AT&T 3B2

Kevin Bowling kevin.bowling at kev009.com
Sun Dec 4 19:34:35 CST 2011

Was sleuthing the web and came across this and cried a little:

I got my first RS/6000 around that time, but probably wouldn't have
known what the 3B2 was if I saw once since I didn't read through the
Bell Labs UNIX articles until recently.  I'm 22 years young so it
seems I missed the first and second go around of these guys, and
what's left is dwindling.


On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 2:28 PM, Sandwich Maker <adh at an.bradford.ma.us> wrote:
> " From: John Floren <john at jfloren.net>
> "
> " I'm always on the lookout for one of those too... and/or a Blit
> " terminal aka the DMD 5620. Unfortunately I don't think I've ever seen
> " either available.
> ah, nostalgia...  3b2s were my first prof sysadm job.
> and, not that i have one, but would you take a 630 or 730 [rom
> upgrade] mtg instead of a 5620?  much more powerful.
> i had one on my desk, with the expansion port option, acting as console
> to 2 3b2/600s and running layers on a vax on the 3rd port.  6 more in
> my lab as test system consoles, running their systems under layers,
> from those 2 3b2s.  i have a paper in the bell labs technical library
> [if it still exists] describing that test architecture.  good times...
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Andrew Hay                                  the genius nature
> internet rambler                            is to see what all have seen
> adh at an.bradford.ma.us                       and think what none thought
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