[rescue] Rescue Cutoff

Charles Monett camonett at woh.rr.com
Tue Nov 17 22:23:31 CST 2009

Jonathan Groll wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 11:02:47AM -0500, Charles Monett wrote:
>> Lionel Peterson wrote:
>>> What would be your 'no question, scrap' cut-off? P4s are still 
>>> useful  (above 2.0 Ghz), IMHO.
>> Mine's dependent on the machine's network capabilities and expansion  
>> capabilities.
>> If it can at least handle 100Mbit properly and/or has PCI, it has a 
>> good  chance of being rescued.
>> Otherwise, it has to be a good embedded platform, preferably with 
>> some  way to get USB on it.
> I've got some applications for which I'd like to have USB2, mostly
> sound related. For instance, I've got a USB telbox device (functions
> as a soundcard to a DECT phone for skype), never mind the home made
> mp3-jukebox / "squeezebox". Maybe it would work with a PII, but why
> waste the time?
> Cheers,
> Jonathan
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My application of it is to throw USB in a 43P-150 for it to handle 
network, video, and storage alongside collected wireless traffic.

Problem is that at some point, the images that come in over USB are 
garbled to the point where it is either the CPU not being able to keep 
up with a steady image, the USB stack is not handling the data from the 
camera properly, or the inevitable "something else".   Yes, the camera 
itself works fine, it's just an annoyance that keeps the machine from 
doing video.

I just don't have another 604e-based machine of a similar type to test 
it out, and Linux distributions are iffy due to 43P-150/B50 quirks.  But 
it does make for a nice headless machine with a good deal of 
multipurpose connectivity.

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