[rescue] Small Cheap Linux Board??

velociraptor velociraptor at gmail.com
Tue Dec 29 13:35:45 CST 2009

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 8:13 AM, Patrick Finnegan
<pat at computer-refuge.org> wrote:
> Pricy? I think they cost me $30 a few years ago.  Looking at eBay, $13
> plus free shipping.  Though that was PCI, perhaps you are looking at
> PCI-E?

PCI-E.  I think it was $40 new, just seems a bit high compared to
others, that's all.  For stability, though, not too bad.  (NAS only
has two pci slots, which are being used by the 4-port SATA cards.  I
could not find any 4-port or greater PCI-E SATA cards without going
into the budget-busting price tier.)

> Broadcom NICs (BNX2) seem to be pretty good as well.  It looks like
> they're about 1/2 the price of Intel PCI-E Gb desktop cards.  Don't know
> about Solaris/OSX support, but they have always been pretty solid under
> Linux. See: http://search.ebay.com/360213611553

I haven't investigated Broadcom support in Solaris 10.  Everyone I
using Solaris 10 just says "buy and Intel card." :-)

Looks like I have an opportunity to install the card.  Backing out and
re-applying a failed kernel patch (the evil libc.so.1 issue) and it's
follow-ons has resulted in booting to "grub>", so downtime is not an
issue @ the moment. :-/  Time to learn live upgrade and hopefully
avoid such things in the future.


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