[rescue] Statmux as console server?

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Sat Mar 17 17:16:35 CDT 2007

>From: Patrick Giagnocavo <patrick at zill.net>
>Date: 2007/03/16 Fri PM 02:57:32 CDT
>To: The Rescue List <rescue at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: [rescue] Statmux as console server?

>I have two very nice, sturdily constructed MultiTech MMH904C 
>statistical multiplexers. The case is made of steel, sturdy plastic 
>front and back, and bright LEDs - many blinkenlights for each channel.
>They have 8 DB25 serial ports apiece in additional to a serial console 
>for configuring the unit, plus serial, modem, RS232/V35 ports for 
>configuring whatever kind of outbound connection you want.


>Is there a way to configure this as a console server so that I can hook 
>up a bunch of Sun machines to the serial ports, then have one serial 
>port (probably with a null modem) go to a host machine connected via 
>Ethernet (then allow access to the serial ports via SSH login)?

<jedi hand wave>
You want my extra portmaster
</jedi hand wave>


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