[rescue] SCSI DVD drives

Clemson, Chris Chris.Clemson at softwareag.co.uk
Wed Jul 11 05:29:52 CDT 2007

> I use AnyDVD which acts as a device driver and does the CSS decoding
> and decrypting in software on your PC. You can download a demo if you
> want to try it.

Ah yes, good point

> Check to make sure DMA is turned on, and it works, sometimes it is off
> by default.

Tried changing that already, it did make a difference, but it was worse

> Considering the cost of SCSI, it might be cheaper to buy a USB 2 card
> and a USB to IDE adaptor case. Hint, don't plug any USB 1 devices
> into the card. The same with firewire, but they are more expensive
> and harder to find.

Yes, that would be an option - I've got a USB2 card with spare holes.


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