[rescue] Any Minneapolis area listers ?

Ethan O'Toole ethan at 757tech.net
Thu Jan 11 08:44:30 CST 2007

> I'll ditto to that. The only software RAID that I've used and relied on --
> and had that trust repaid -- was Veritas Volume Manager, many years back
> when I was herding the Solaris boxes that held the Oracle GIS data for
> Seattle City Light.


I worked for a OEM software company developing iSCSI and NAT software that
ran on 3ware cards. I wasn't impressed with the 3ware performance, nor
what I was seeing with any of the ATA cards.

I think my old smart array boards are faster.

And that wasn't just their products, that was a bunch of different
scenerios. They actually (I believe) are beating the PANTS off of the
3ware cards with software RAID, which shouldn't be.

3ware might be reliable, but it's not fast. Dunno why.

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