[rescue] Amiga

Ethan O'Toole ethan at 757tech.net
Wed Dec 20 07:07:47 CST 2006

> Anybody happen to have an A2000 or A3000 around they dont need anymore?
> I'm reading "On The Edge" (www.commodorebook.com) and have a sudden
> jonesing for AmigaOS.
> I'll probably have to settle for EUAE, but it never hurts to ask...
> Bill

I gave away my Amiga 2000 (Which came from a thrift store or some such).
I'd recommend looking at the Amiga 1200, as it can use a notebook hard
drive, is an 020, smaller footprint and has a VGA connector if I recall.

Also there is a fairly rare video called The Deathbed Vigil which was shot
by an employee of Amiga as they were shutting down.

(Atari then PC for me, I wasn't an Amiga user too much when they were
new.. nice colors, but the monitor is still a TV to me).

					- Ethan

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