[rescue] rescue Digest, Vol 49, Issue 17

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Sun Dec 10 02:25:17 CST 2006

Sat, 09 Dec 2006 @ 21:18 -0500, John Floren said:

> Something we (myself and my fellow computer engineering students) like
> to say when we're in circuits or programming labs is "All programming
> mistakes are stupid. All wiring mistakes are stupid."
> I would say it holds true at least 80% of the time. /Why/ isn't the
> circuit working? It's because you plugged that wire into the wrong
> breadboard row. /Why/ is your code segfaulting? It's because you left
> out a comma or a quote somewhere.

...none of which is stupid.

Not learning from your mistakes... that's stupid.

shannon "AT" widomaker.com -- [governorrhea: a contagious disease that
spreads from the governor of a state downward through other offices and his
corporate sponsors]

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