[rescue] Looking : Sgi/Sun stuff

Wes Will wwill at siu.edu
Wed Jun 29 08:39:16 CDT 2005

>even $30k CRTs are highly imperfect.

All too true.

>Apple claims people are doing print color proofing on their cinema
>displays, BTW.

Oh, you can do it, and for the mass market it's fine.  Heck for the mass of
sheeple it's better than they expect.  It all depends on the audience.
I've done pre-press work in the past, though, and I'm tellin' you true, an
old press man can eye-match to a chip sheet all the ay across the room and
drive you crazy mixing ink, if the shade is off.

Once I did about a half-dozen batches of printer's ink, sequentially, the
last three with the various bosses breathing down my neck, of a colour of
ink known as "Mary Kay business card pink" (a most PUTRID colour, imho) and
we finally ascertained that a) it wasn't my fault, I wasn't fired. b) I
really -did- know how to use a gram scale and figure proportions., and c)
somebody had tainted one of the mix colour cans with a tiny bit of black.
You can't correct for black....


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