[rescue] hard drives for sparc10?

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Thu Jan 20 06:43:47 CST 2005

On Thu, 2005-01-20 at 06:16, Peter Corlett wrote:
> Patrick Finnegan  <pat at computer-refuge.org> wrote:
> I note that despite the "unreliable2 nature of IDE disks, they're
> virtually all still going strong after many years, with the notable
> exception of Maxtor whose drives have rather less than stellar
> performance and reliability (at least with the 30GB, 60GB and 80GB
> units I've used.) I wonder if Maxtor's SCSI drives also suck...

Maxtor SCSI drives from recent time are Quantum drives (Maxtor bought
Quantum)... and in my experience Quantum drives don't suck (at least
not the models I've used in the last 10? years).... 

Now.. once Maxtor starts f'ing up quantum... then they may indeed
suck like in the days before Maxtor had stopped making SCSI... like
the MXT-540S and MXT-1120S... nice performing drives... but eventually
they died... and they all died in the same way.... one day you turn
them off... and the next day they can't spin up (if your lucky they
fail such that they'll spin up... X out of Y times.... if you got it
to spin... it would work fine and you could rescue your data).

These days.... I like RAID for any data I want to keep.

-- Curt

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