[rescue] FW: [SunRescue] SunPC 4.2 for 5x86 SBUS card.

Robert Mohr robmohr at charter.net
Wed Oct 20 21:28:44 CDT 2004

I purchased a SPARCstation 5 which has a SunPC card in it, however there
wasn't any software installed on the machine to make use of it.  Is this
software still available?

I found this information:


via a google search.  I would be interested in an ISO image that I could
burn myself if possible.  If not, how would I go about getting a CD?

Thanks for any information.

BTW:  Is this card supported under Solaris 9?  If not, what is the latest
Solaris version that still contains support for the card?

Thanks for you help,

Rob Mohr

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