[rescue] Anyone interested in this Sun Sparc systems?

Sandwich Maker adh at an.bradford.ma.us
Mon Oct 4 13:20:44 CDT 2004

" From: Jochen Kunz <jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de>
" On Mon, 4 Oct 2004 15:20:35 +0000
" Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at verizon.net> wrote:
" > This photo (http://www.siconic.com/computers/Aries/P1010089.JPG)
" > really REALLY looks like an SS/10 or SS/20 MB - but, on second look, I
" > agree - this MB does not have the NVRAM/VSIMM slot "extensions" - I
" > missed that...
" Maybe it is a "SPARCengine" board? A SS10/SS20 like board that Sun soled
" to OEMs to "embed" them in there own systems - like SPARC workstation /
" server clones.

the sparcengine-20 -was- an ss20 -- bare board.  there's an ultra-20
designed specifically to replace it in embedded systems, that also
happens to fit ss5/ss20 chassis...  basically a u1/u1e chipset with a
socketed cpu [up to 400MHz known to work], no upa slot [;^<] and both
wide and narrow scsi.  also only two sbus and iirc ss5-like cdrom
audio conn.  i would really like to have one...

the 'white system' looks vy close to ss5-board size.  the 'black
system' looks about ss2-size but the disk connectors are on the wrong

could be clone sparcengine-like boards though.
Andrew Hay                                  the genius nature
internet rambler                            is to see what all have seen
adh at an.bradford.ma.us                       and think what none thought

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