[rescue] Re: scrap sparcbook

velociraptor velociraptor at gmail.com
Thu Nov 4 19:08:00 CST 2004

On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 14:42:48 -0600, Mike Parson <mparson at bl.org> wrote:
> A friend of mine is (kinda) working on doing this with his old
> Powerbook Duo and one of the small docks that has ether and scsi with
> a lot of empty space in it.  Not batter-powered, but have a single,
> self-contained wireless doc for his PB.

Yay for Franken Macs!

Two whole full-length NuBus slots underneath unless you need one for
better video.  NuBus USB card for the wireless adaptor, or hacking a
slot in the side for a PCMCIA USB adaptor?  (Assuming he's putting a
Duo in the dock.)

Pretty cool.  Docks are a cheap.  The biggest problem with Duos is
finding RAM and working batteries (though it's fairly straightforward
to rebuild them).


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