[rescue] RE: Advice on Octanes

Gavin Hubbard ghub005 at xtra.co.nz
Wed Sep 24 16:07:53 CDT 2003

> > Mixing I-/E- boards is quite safe.
> Ahhh, xinerama I am coming! :-)

Speaking of which, I discovered the other day that you can run a sinlge
Xinerama session across monitors connected to multiple Sun Ray 1 terminals.
If I can pick up some cheap Sun Rays on EBay, I'm going to build the
ultimate X-terminal :-)

> > The real problems occur when you put two full-height (i.e.
> > MX* or SS*) boards, or three half height (i.e. S*) boards,
> > onto the XIO carrier.
> Hmm. Sad. No tripple / quad head. ;-)
> The cards in question are SE + SI, so this shoud be save.

People have reported that you can do triple head with SI+SI+SI or SE+SE+SE,
but it isn't officially supported. Quad head isn't supported because there
aren't enough XIO connectors for four cards.



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