[rescue] Fwd: [SubG] Dave's Spam Trap

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Tue Sep 9 11:27:36 CDT 2003


My inquiry on the Other List regarding the spam trap generated a 
thread. Now it's gone here:

> On Tuesday, Sep 9, 2003, at 11:36 America/New_York, Earle Martin wrote:
>> [0] or whatever the appropriate data structure is, I don't do C
> In C, it's generally called a Controlled Uniform Numerical Table, or 
> C.U.N.T. for short. Just imagine the looks of awe on you C-enabled 
> friends' faces when you tell them that you too have a cunt-full of 
> words for your Spam-Trap proggy. Or that you've finally worked your 
> way up to a three dimensional cunt.

I have odd friends.


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