[rescue] How to "find" Cisco 3620?

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Sun Nov 9 22:38:44 CST 2003

That switch a straight 2900 or a 2924XL....

The 2924XLs have a limited lifetime warranty... I don't think the
2900s do though.

-- Curt

On Sun, 2003-11-09 at 11:26, Thomas Gallaway wrote:
> I have similar things going on. Have a cisco 2900 10/100 switch and 
> actually
> the machine boots up but the console port just show's me crap. But then 
> after
> a minute or so the switch crashes and show's me a error message just 
> perfectly
> with no jibbrish. So I am assuming the switch itselfe is shot, and not 
> just the
> serial port as it has the ability to show me something usefull when it 
> crashes.
> But yes 9600/n/8/1 should do the trick. If not, good luck.
> On Nov 9, 2003, at 7:12 AM, Eric Webb wrote:
> > I have a 3620 here that seems to boot and run, but the console port is 
> > fudged.
> > I see output from the unit, but it's garbled.  I've tried every 
> > combination
> > of baud rate, stop, data, parity known to man, and I've even tried 
> > resetting
> > NVRAM (which is supposed to default the comm parameters as well).  At 
> > one
> > point in time, I was able to "sync" up with it and got intelligible 
> > output,
> > but not since.
> >
> > So, without a console port, how else do you get into one of these 
> > things?
> > Assuming it had an ethernet NIC, I could probably write a script to 
> > ping it..
> > (this would be time-consuming, though, and would require continuously
> > changing subnets on the source machine).  Any suggestions on how I 
> > should
> > attempt to access it?   ICMP ping?  SNMP port?
> >
> > Once I reset NVRAM, do the NICs have a default IP address assigned to 
> > them at
> > all?
> >
> > I'm convinced that there's a bad component on the board that's goofing 
> > up the
> > console serial link.  Is there any hope of finding schematics?
> >
> >
> > Eric
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