[rescue] Looking for Sun VME enclosure

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Fri May 30 12:51:06 CDT 2003

Looking for a 5? slot VME sun enclosure.  They made a 3/X50 and may have
also made a 4/X50 ... the enclosures those systems came in would be the
ideal enclosure I'm looking for.

I know a couple people on the list have one, but I've lost your addresses.
One person was going to check with a friend as they though it was at their
friend's wharehouse (in NJ ?).

I'd still like to find one of these as I have a bunch of Sun VME boards, and
I only have a 4/110 chassis which isn't adequate for the configs some of
these sets require.

-- Curt

Curtis Wilbar
Hawk Mountain Networks
rescue at hawkmountain.net

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