[rescue] Hark, something from the depths of the storage closet!

Jeffrey Nonken jeff_work at nonken.net
Fri May 16 14:58:56 CDT 2003

On Fri, 16 May 2003 11:09:51 -0400, "Michael A. Turner" <mturner at whro.org>

> 	Becoming curious I cleared a path to that side of the room. I
> removed the laser discs that gave tours of college campuses from my way
> (Honest truth). Behind this detritus of useless tech I pried two boxes

I have a modest collection of laser disks. Still play 'em (replacing them
with DVDs isn't in my budget at the moment).

I also have an original laser disk from the Dragon's Lair arcade game. :)

What will the axemen do, when they have cut their way from sea to sea? -James
Fenimore Cooper

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