[rescue] You know the bottom's fallen out...

Steve Sandau ssandau at bath.tmac.com
Mon Mar 31 16:39:26 CST 2003

> ...of the used Sun hardware market when an U2/2200
> (dual 200MHz processors, 4.5GB disk, 256MB memory,
> probably no frame buffer, claimed to be tested and working)
> goes for < $160 shipped.
>   http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3409057464
> Holy cow.  It wasn't long ago that $150 would buy an SS10
> with an SM30, and that seemed like a Good Deal.
> Tell me again why I don't just spend all my money on
> non-computer items and wait 3 years?  How much will
> a V440 cost in 3 years at this rate?  < $1.5k, I'm guessing.

Heh, yeah. I bought that one. $116 before shipping. Nice. It was less money to buy that and try to pick up 300MHz CPU(s) as I can than to buy anything with a 300 in it already. Nice deal.

I also was tempted by a U1 170E for $48 + shipping to purchase in addition. U1s are *very* inexpensive it seems.

Steve Sandau
L-3 Communications TMA Corporation
Bath, Maine

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