[rescue] Elite3D-M3s, $22 buy-it-now

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Mar 17 10:23:16 CST 2003

> dang that's cheap.  wish i could find a c3d series 3 that 
> cheap... i need higher resolutions than what that can do.  

Hmm.  Just as a side note, make sure that you get one of the
later C3D Series 3 cards...there are two different cards
(part numbers) that list as "C3D Series 3" but only the later
ones can do 1600x1200.  (Check the Sun FE handbook or the
online docs for details)

How do I know, you ask?  I finally found a C3D Series 3 for
my U1/200E, and was all jazzed up about getting 1600x1200,
until I discovered this factoid...


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