[rescue] what to ask for an Onyx?

vance at neurotica.com vance at neurotica.com
Fri Mar 7 03:14:01 CST 2003

I used to go to a supply house showroom that specializes in catering to
mastering studios and television stations.  I've seen cables (even ones
terminated in DB13w3's) all the way up to 300m length.  The really high
quality, heavily shielded stuff (the stuff you would want to use in this
application) only starts to lose quality after about 30m, in my
experience, and if you want to go past that, you just need to use a line
driver or distribution amp to boost the signal going into the cable.

The 30m cables used to cost (it's been a while since I've looked) $125,
and the line amp was another $100 or so.  Worth every penny, if you need
that sort of thing.

Peace...  Sridhar

On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Bjorn Ramqvist wrote:

> "Joshua D. Boyd" wrote:
> >
> > You also have the possibility of getting a 13w3 and PS/2 Extender set
> > and putting the octane in the computer run, and then running cables from
> > it to your office.  That's commonly done with Onyxs, and I've seen it
> > done with Indigo2s, so why not an Octane?
> We had 10 meter 13w3, kbd and mice cables for our Octanes when they were
> running. They still produced hefty noise, but we never went through with
> using extenders. In my book, an extender that would handle 1280x1024 in
> 76Hz would be heavily priced. Am I right?
> /Bjorn
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