[rescue] J90 on epay

OutBack Dingo dingo at microbsd.net
Sun Mar 2 21:07:43 CST 2003

Yes Dave and Myself have been discussing this also, we are both interested,
though he has one, and I believe he has more of a use for it then myself.
Though I want it anyway, yet it is probably more likely he will have a
better use for it. My biggest concerns are actually the functional part,
like getting it online. If it was complete, running id have gone for it,
though still havent decided to not. I believe if Dave decides he doesn9t
want it, I might be willing to pick it up, though we need to have this
dicussion. I nobody says anything. Well go for it.

On 3/2/03 9:54 PM, "Dan Sikorski" <me at dansikorski.com> wrote:

> On Sun, 2003-03-02 at 21:50, OutBack Dingo wrote:
>> Yeah I think there are a few of us looking at this thing. We need to get
>> figured out so we don9t start a bidding war amongst ourselves and drive
>> price up
> Well, i would LOVE to have it, and i have the money for it at it's
> current bid.  Tranporting it would obviously be an issue.  (I'm in
> northern indiana)  Also, having a place to power it up could potentially
> be an issue, but i may have a place for that.  Finally, there's the
> issue that i already have projects that i'm working on.  So, who else is
> considering it?  Dave?
> -Dan Sikorski
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