[rescue] SparcArray 1010 question

Sid Odgers sid at dysphoria.eu.org
Wed Feb 19 18:39:04 CST 2003

I know it's taken me like a week to reply to this, but I managed
to convince the guy I bought the box off to ship me a second PSU...

This one is rated 700W in, 450W out, and has part number 300-1098-05.
Is this one of the newer ones?  I can tell you it looks shinier than the old one ;)


On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 02:20:59AM -0500, Michael Schiller wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 07:59 PM, Sid Odgers wrote:
> >Basically, the power supply AC IN light switches on, then about a 
> >second later the DC OUT light and the system board's SYSTEM OK light 
> >come on for about 300ms or so.  After this the box is silent.
> This is fairly common in the older units. the problem is the power 
> supply. The earliest units had a power supply that's not powerful 
> enough to supply power to drives larger than the 1gb 5400RPM ones it 
> originally came with. The later units had stronger power supplies, so 
> if you can find one of the later power supplies you'll be much better 
> off. It's possible that if you remove some of the drives in the unit 
> that it will work with the existing ps, but it might be fried already.
> -Mike
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