[rescue] Speaking of Solaris GUI options...

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Sat Feb 8 20:24:46 CST 2003

On Saturday, Feb 8, 2003, at 20:15 US/Eastern, some jackass wrote:

> Um, I'm EXTREMELY happy with OS X on my 250 MHz Wallstreet.

Yes, I know it's bad form to reply to myself, but I noticed everyone 
discussing what apps they're using, so I thought I'd throw my $0.02 in.

PowerBook G3/250, 256 RAM, 4M VRAM, 83MHz system bus.

Mail.app, Safari, JediKnight (IRC client), iTunes, Word, occasional 
Photoshop, and a few others. I've even been known to have them all open 
at once.

I must say, considering I'm on a 5 year old machine, this list is 
starting to sound like a bunch of peecee modders whining about a P-VII 
8.5GHz not being fast enough to run the latest whizbang crap.

Sheesh. Go back to talking about Windows or something, will ya?


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