[rescue] SGI TMEZZ Diagnostic failure? was SGI/PS2 Keyboards/Mice?

David Holland dholland at woh.rr.com
Fri Feb 7 00:59:30 CST 2003

Its supposed to be MXI. 

RE: The fried.  That's what I was afraid you'd say.  I've reseated the
trams, and am booting diagnostics again, but I'm not hopeful. 

(Nope, the mg_tram_rev_nobuff line disappeared, however, I still get a
'tram test failed' error out of the thing.)

Is there any way to attempt to figure out which tram is dead with out
having a third handy? (IE: Can you run the SSI board w/ only one TRAM in

(Yes, the Texturing is important to me.  That, and a Octane w/ SSI is
not what I 'bought'.  Octane w/ MXI is.)


On Fri, 2003-02-07 at 01:23, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
> On 7 Feb 2003, David Holland wrote:
> > Part number info:
> > 	Part 030-0957-003 Name: GM20 Serial: DZD352 Revision: N
> That's either an MXI or SSI graphics board.
> > Googling around turns up a whopping _1_ hit on the 'mg_tram_rev_nobuff'
> > error.
> The diagnostics think your texture RAM is fried.  Pull the graphics
> card, and try reseating the texture modules near the edge of the board.
> If that doesn't fix it, the texture modules are probably toast.
> However, if you pull them, you'll still be able to use the card as an
> SSI graphics system.  You just won't have the use of the hardware
> texturing.  If texturing means a lot to you, you can replace one of the
> modules for about $200 (probably only one is dead).  Occasionally the
> i-series TRAM modules sell for cheap in pairs on eBay.
> -- 
> Jonathan Patschke  *)  "The clue phone is ringing, and it's for you."
> Thorndale, TX      (*                                 --Dave McGuire
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