[rescue] Solaris on a PPC

Brent B. Powers sunrescue at b2pi.com
Wed Feb 5 15:01:39 CST 2003

>>>>> "Dave" == Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com> writes:

    Dave> On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 02:58 PM, Francisco
    Dave> Javier Mesa-Martinez wrote:
    >> Actually the original NT project shared a lot of the VMS ideas
    >> (well at least mid/late 80s VMS). But it was rather changed by
    >> the rest of M$, so the original NT and the shipped NT were
    >> rather different (the original DEC guy was none too pleased
    >> about this). In fact initially NT was just a technology
    >> demonstrator, nothing to do with a shipping product. Then it
    >> came OS2 NT, and then Windows NT (funny how its first release
    >> was at 3.0!)
    >> The original platform for NT was supposed to be the i860 (its
    >> codename in intelspeak was NT). But I guess the moved towards
    >> MIPS with the whole ACE consortium thing. Plus the fact that
    >> the i860 was a bitch to code for.

This is an amazing understatment. I still have nightmares.

    Dave>    That's cool and all, and there were a few things in there
    Dave> that I hadn't heard (the i860 part, in particular, surprised
    Dave> me), but weren't we discussing NT as it exists today?  VMS
    Dave> was very different before it was released too.  As was UNIX.
    Dave> As was pretty much everything else.

No, we weren't. I was rejecting the statement that NT was developed at

There actually are things about NT to like, btw. They're pretty well
buried, though.  Things like (hmmm, deleted the message already) acl's
on files... a very nice file system... all the IPC semantics you could
want, and then a few more. Granted there's multiple layers of nonsense
on top, but it's not all bad...

    >> Personally I think that the whole M$ cartel should be tried in
    >> a setting ala Nuremberg for crimes against computation... and
    >> for setting the whole industry back 10 years.

    Dave>    Agreed.

    Dave>       -Dave

    Dave> -- Dave McGuire "I've grown hair again, just St. Petersburg,
    Dave> FL for the occasion."  -Doc Shipley
    Dave> _______________________________________________ rescue list
    Dave> - http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue

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