[rescue] Re: 20th Anniversary Mac

nick at snowman.net nick at snowman.net
Tue Feb 4 23:47:29 CST 2003

Are you sure someone didn't just steal fc-al GBICs and plug em into gig-e
gear for that 1000BaseCX?  fc-al gbics will work just fine, and happen to
use just the connector you describe, but I was nearly 100% sure copper
never made it into the original gig-e spec, and they had to go from 2 pair
to 4 pair for the later spec..

On Thu, 6 Feb 2003, Gavin Hubbard wrote:
> There are actually two different kinds of GigE over copper wiring systems.
> The initial GigE spec (IEEE 802.3z) was released in 1998 and didn't include
> UTP because there were a lot of technical issues to sort out. The copper
> implementation they chose back them is called 1000BaseCX and it runs over a
> 150-Ohm balanced & shielded copper cable. I have only ever seen it on one
> site - it is quite distinctive as the interface connector is a DB9. The
> maximum cable run of 1000BaseCX is only 25m. 
> The GigE over UTP spec (IEEE 802.3ab) was released several years later and
> as Shawn has said, has a maximimum cable run of 100m.
> Regards,
> Gavin

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