[rescue] Dead Wyse terminal - ideas? (and a few links)

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 30 08:54:53 CDT 2003

Hello all,

I have a seemingly dead Wyse 60 terminal (w/keyboard) - on power-on, it
beeps, then beeps again, then all three lights on the upper right
corner of the keyboard light up (num lock, etc.).

The display is blank.

This used to work, now it seems dead - any last-ditch things to check
before it goes to the curb?

Also, anyone interested in the KB/cable if the unit is dead - it's
yours for postage (assuming the terminal can't be salvaged).

On a happier note, the cheap terminals I got from Computer Surplus
Outlet (see:
) work great!

ANyone have exp. with these units - HDS thin clients
? ($19 w/free shipping, seems pretty good deal if useful...)

Thanks in advance for any help with the Wyse terminal...


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