[rescue] Do you remember when? Security software.....

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Sat Aug 16 11:57:57 CDT 2003

On Saturday, August 16, 2003, at 08:52 AM, Lionel Peterson wrote:
>>> The truth about me is a suit.  I wear them often, even
>>> when not forced.  Hell, i've done security audits in
>>> french cuffs.  If it's not you, so be it, there's
>>> nothing wrong with that.
>> I'm fairly sure I said that earlier.
>> The problem is when it is *forced* on you.
>> Would you like it if company policy forced you to wear a tutu?
> Uhm, not a good counter example, since a suit is:
> a) Gender correct for a man (or to go broad, gender neutral, if you
> include dress suits for women)

   No problem here...

> b) Reasonable in a work environment

   Reasonable according to YOUR standards.  Not mine.


Dave McGuire                 "You don't have Vaseline in Canada?"
St. Petersburg, FL                     -Bill Bradford

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