[rescue] Macs & IDE vs. SCSI

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Sun Apr 13 15:57:21 CDT 2003

On Sunday, April 13, 2003, at 06:28 AM, Frank Van Damme wrote:
>>    OMG I saw an ad for those the other day!  Glow in the dark IDE
>> cables?!  Unbelievable.  I think that says a lot about IDE's primary
>> market. ;)
> Hehe. I'll tell you what the primary target for ide disks is: 99 
> percent of
> the desktop users who use their disk to write 100 K of data every 5 
> minutes -
> when MS-word autosaves it :-)
> Not those who have 2 concurrent compilations running in the background 
> while
> they're running Maya on the computer that runs the Samba or NFS server 
> in a
> 30-client network :-)
> Actually, I also belong to the ide market for the simple reason that 
> for the
> money I'd spend on a few dozen gig of scsi space I can buy several of 
> the 120
> gig ide disks that I'll certainly purchase when I get more problems 
> with disk
> space as I have now. I simply can't afford scsi.
> And yes, it has an impact on performance. My disk is a major 
> bottleneck,
> especially when compiling responsivity gets close to zero.

   Hmm.  Well, I suppose I take my computing a little more seriously, no 
offense.  Both for hobby activities, and even more so because my home 
machines are also my work machines.  I have a "TO DO" list in a text 
file that is nearly 300K in length...anything that costs me time (like 
IDE and PC hardware) gets flushed real quick around here.


Dave McGuire           "She's a cheek pincher.  I have scars."
St. Petersburg, FL                          -Gary Nichols

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