[rescue] HP 1640a serial data analyzer

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Sat Apr 12 13:47:41 CDT 2003

On Saturday, April 12, 2003, at 02:42 PM, Scott Newell wrote:
>> I've got a chance next week to pick up an HP 1640a serial data 
>> analyer.
> I'd be sure to get input pods (if it uses 'em) and the books, too.  A 
> lot
> of the older logic analyzers are nearly worthless without the pods, as 
> they
> can be hard to find.  Tek, it seems, was bad about using goofy little
> connectors, which makes it more difficult to kludge up a LA pod.  
> Since the
> 1640a is a _serial_ data analyzer, it might not use goofy pods, which 
> would
> be a big bonus.

   I believe the 1640 is a V.35/RS232/RS422 low-level protocol analyzer, 
not a logic analyzer.  He should have no troubles here.


Dave McGuire             "My belly these days is too substantial
St. Petersburg, FL           for most hosiery."       -Robert Novak

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