[rescue] Why is everyone so OSX happy?

Phil Schilling phils at gcstech.net
Sat Apr 12 06:55:13 CDT 2003

On Wed, 9 Apr 2003 14:52:36 -0400
Kevin <kevin at pipeline.com> wrote:

> So now i'm
> supposed to find a place to donate a low end, medium
> (barely by todays standards) capacity HD or try and
> sell it for what, $20 after i've spent $120 in time
> doing so?  If i knew someone who wanted it who could
> come and get it that would have been different but that
> was not the situation.
The places around you are too fscking picky.  Here the local recycle for
non profit organization would have killed for a 40g drive and not
considered it low end or medium capacity.


Phil Schilling
GCS Tech

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