[rescue] They're back! -> They're gone! -> They're CueCats!

nick at snowman.net nick at snowman.net
Tue Sep 10 19:11:59 CDT 2002

Ok, I've been looking for something like that, what's a good freeware or
reasonably priced book inventory software that will take cuecat scans?

On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 vraptor at employees.org wrote:

> On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, Stephen Sandau wrote:
> >> OTOH, another Late Addition is on page 3:
> >>   http://www.bgmicro.com/lmad3.htm
> >> where they have CueCats for $7.95.  I wonder how much
> >> they'll pay me for *my* free piece of crap CueCat that
> >> I never got around to doing anything with...
> >>
> >I got one for free, too, and was mildly curious until I found that it
> >was really just a tracking device for advertisers. I never used it. I'll
> >gladly sell it to them for half of that $7.95 ;) Just to stay slightly
> >OT, I never had the urge to hook it to my SS5.
> But with Readerware (www.readware.com) or other software,
> you can turn a :CueCat into a tool for cataloging books/
> videos/CDs, so you don't end up with two of the same thing.
> =Nadine=
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