[rescue] random babble

Chad Fernandez fernande at internet1.net
Sun Sep 1 13:25:50 CDT 2002

Lionel Peterson wrote:
> --- Chad Fernandez <fernande at internet1.net> wrote:
>>>So by default, a check from the U.S. would be "pay to the bearer". 
> <snip>
>>Wow, what is the point of that?  That makes a check just like cash!
> Asked and answered? ;^)

But that is not good.  With a check you have some protection if it is 
lost or stolen.  It's designed to be cashed by a particular person or 
organization.  The English/Israeli system does not allow for that 
protection.  For instance sending you rebate chack through the mail 
would be like sending cash.... if's lost, it's lost, the money is gone!

Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA

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