[rescue] Re: Re: FreeBSd/SCSI, PPro Overdrives

Mike Nicewonger twmaster at twmaster.com
Wed Jan 30 10:14:40 CST 2002

on 1/30/02 10:50 AM, Robert Novak at rnovak at indyramp.com wrote:

> This wasn't a swipe individually at you, Mike. I'm just growing tired of
> the expletive-laden tripe that seems to bubble up for every full moon
> here. YOu've been passive compared to some, and I don't think you've
> directly insulted an individual for their choice of OS. It's perfectly
> reasonable to not use an OS that you haven't had good experiences with
> (I'm not running Ultrix...).

Oh! Sorry I never took that as a swipe, I was merely pointing out my
experience. Of course if this were a perfect world I would be running
OpenBSD on the box but sadly no SMP support - YET!
> Guys, and gals, the best way to convince someone that your preferred OS is
> better than theirs is to promote yours, show why it's good, and show that
> it has mature adults in their right minds who use it for good reasons.
> Insulting other OSes that (whether you admit it or not) work quite well
> for others, and insulting the people who use them, just makes it look like
> you're hiding something.

Agreed. Too many folks hold grudges and other issues which I sometimes
understand. Oftentimes don't understand.
>>> How's performance on those overdrives, and
>>> how's cost effectiveness compared to 100mhz bus P2/P3 processors or
>>> anything else in a similar price range?ux. No flame fest OS war,
> So no comparison on Pentium Pro Overdrive vs Pentium 2/3?
My apology for not repling to this part. Too much other issue to deal with.
My feelings are that the 333 overdrives are indeed speedy. The machine that
this is replacing was no slouch either (Proliant 800 2 x 200 PPo). I have
never owned a PII or PIII machine ever so I cannot say from a performance
standpoint which is better. From a cost standpoint I would say for me the
PPro OD is a good performing low cost solution for those of us whom are
cheap. I got my system board for near nothing and have <$90 in the CPU's.
And since they come with high quality heatsinks and fans that saves a good
chunk of change too.

Mike N

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