[rescue] Re: sunpci note: TWO cards now available

Mike Nicewonger twmaster at twmaster.com
Wed Jan 30 02:37:21 CST 2002

on 1/30/02 2:15 AM, Brian Hechinger at wonko at arkham.ws wrote:

>> It is?  Why is DECpaq sending me email about the latest issue of the
>> OpenVMS Times newsletter, with details about the Itanium port (which
>> I'll LOVE to play with once its out..):
> but isn't the Itanium just going to be another fast Intel CPU slappen on some
> half-assed hardware?  just like everything else in the PC arena?  no offense,
> but i'd rather run UNIX on something non-intel then VMS on something intel.
While having x86 bass-ack-wards capabilities this thing is supposed to be
way different on good hardware. Remember this has basically an HP PA-RISC
core. The HP SuperDome is shipping with the fastest PA-RISC CPU's presently
and is Itanium compatible when the parts finally become unobtanium.

Check out the superdome most kick-buttski

Mike N

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