[rescue] OpenBSD

Derrick D. Daugherty derrick at blinky-lights.org
Sun Jan 27 17:53:30 CST 2002

It's rumored that around Sun, Jan 27, 2002 at 01:15:45AM -0500
Mike Nicewonger <twmaster at twmaster.com> wrote:
> Ick! Ports rock. and the packages collection works very well. IMHO

<shameless plug>

cd /usr/ports/misc/rfc

and install...and you now have some very poor old code from me :)
thanks to whomever put it in ports.  there's an emacs extension for it
at www.dewn.com/rfc for you emacs lovers.  there are also rpms etc out
there...open community is neat.

</shameless plug>

really, i have no shame...at all


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