[rescue] OpenBSD

Mike Nicewonger twmaster at twmaster.com
Sun Jan 27 00:15:45 CST 2002

I have been using OpenBSD since 2.5 and have have and had machines in
production running 2.6-3.0

  > What does OpenBSD need?  Here are some of my
ideas: > 1) Better advocacy.  I'm not talking about the zealots.  I'm talking
about > people who know when to use the right tool for the right job, going out
into > forums like this and speaking candidly about what OpenBSD is and what it
is > not.


> 2) Less hostility (complements #1 above).  The lists @openbsd.org are very
> hostile territory.  You never hear stories of Linus Torvalds using childish
> taunts against Linux newbies asking questions in public forums, but this is
> the norm for Theo DeRaadt when dealing with users of his own OS.  He
> actually seems to get off on abusing people who are struggling to learn his
> OS.  I think if the loudmouths would shut up and the more helpful people
> would take over the OpenBSD lists, this OS would find more widespread use.

It seems more than OBSD forums can use some mellowing :) 

> 3) Improved installer.  I like how lightweight it is.   But from Red Hat's
> Linux distribution, I've fallen in love with Disk Druid.  I'd love to see a
> scaled down version of Disk Druid in the OpenBSD installer.  The fdisk in
> there is just too inaccessible for newbies.

I disagree. I find the OBSD implementation of fdisk to be superb and fairly

I will have to admit theat it was a tad daunting my first go round. Now
FreeBSD's installer blows dog.

 > 4) package management system.  something like Debian or Red Hat.  I don't 
> care which.  Just please track dependencies so you don't go deleting shared 
> libraries that are being used by someone else.

Ick! Ports rock. and the packages collection works very well. IMHO

Mike N

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